Muslims are not the minority of this country, but the second largest majority!



Muslims are not the minority of this country, but the second largest majority!

It is said that as a person thinks, he feels the same in practical life. And the result remains confined in the limited circle of his thinking. If the baby eagle thinks that he is a chick and starts living with the chicks, thinking about flight and the limitless expanses of the sky all his life is even on the edge. Could not open. The condition of the Muslims in the country we live in today is also an imaginary example. They have interpreted the open air of their mind as a chicken cage and despite being the second largest and most prestigious majority of a great country like India, they have recognized themselves as a forced and dominant minority. It is the job of the government and the anti-Muslim minded media to bully our majority by calling us a minority again and again, but the irony is that we ourselves use the same word in our organized programs and gatherings. Believe me, this word is depressing as well as discouraging to every Indian Muslim and it is making the simple minded Muslims feel inferior. This is the reason why today the echo of Hindu Rashtra is reaching our ears from all sides.

The question is that despite being honorable citizens of India, why are we suffering from an unknown and baseless fear? Is our constitution not giving us the status of equality? Are we not equal to others in the eyes of the law? Absolutely. Rather, only government and law, I would say that every particle of this earth is a witness of our dignity and greatness. Our ornate and impregnable edifices, the minarets of our beautiful mosques and the spiritual dargahs spread across the country where people of other faiths are also present in khakisari form, shout out our honorable citizenship. Apart from this, the congregations of our mosques, the crowd of our shrines and the crowding of our meetings and gatherings are also telling us that we are not less but our number is more. Among the many inner and spiritual benefits and wisdom of the five-time duties and especially the great congregations of Fridays and Eids in Islam, one of the wisdoms is to show one’s numbers to others and to make them fear their large numbers. But unfortunately, even one-third of the Muslims of this country are not aware of this great Quranic wisdom. If only our imams had paid attention to this, then the graph of our honor and status would have been a little higher today.

Before it is too late and we have nothing but regret on our hands, we must come to our senses and convince our entire population that they are not only honorable citizens of this country, but numerically enough. are strong. The Constitution of India has provided the right to equality to the less than one percent. Then our number is many times more than them, yet why are we waiting for the mercy of the government? Be sure that we should learn not to ask the government for our right, but to take it away according to the constitution. And this is also our right because we have offered not just assistance but an equal share in the freedom of our dear country. If there was any real opponent of the British, it was us, because our government was going, our monarchy was ending, therefore, with the ferocity with which we fought, the people of Hindutva or other religions are unable to match it. What was theirs? They were subdued. That is why traitors like Savarkar and those with anti-national mentality used to secretly help the British and help them against the Muslims so that they could get rid of the subjugation of the Muslims. This is not a hypothesis but historical evidence. The result is that in every way we are entitled to be respectable and reliable citizens of this country and we have to take this fact into our minds.

Look at the change of times and the happiness of the Muslims that while taunting and threatening us as a minority, our enemy has started to panic with the fear of becoming a minority. Our growing population is starting to scare him. The blessing in our generation is starting to worry him. According to him, our population will exceed them by two thousand and fifty and they will become a minority. In the recent Dharma Sansad in Uttarakhand, along with the unaccounted poisonings, this concern was officially expressed. It is encouraging for us that the so-called Peshwas of Hindutva are expressing this in their Majlis. They are actually trying to warn their nation of a great danger, but unknowingly, by such nonsense, they are causing unnecessary fear to their own people and are undoubtedly demoralizing them. Because as a solution to this problem they have advised them to have as many children as possible. Now obviously people will act on it later and be afraid first. The way the government is running, the poor economic condition the common youth is going through, there is little hope that people will implement this proposal. Phrases full of fear and fear of the religious leaders becoming a minority in the near future are actually arrows from their tongues that are hurting their people. Now tell that our enemy is trembling with the fear of the minority and we are still not ready to accept our majority. If we still do not recognize ourselves as a valuable majority of this country, then when will we?

My Muslim countrymen! Our enemy’s thinking does not have much breadth and universality because our Lord has given them only a limited substance of thought and thought. That’s why they only say what comes to their heart, being overwhelmed by emotions according to their poor understanding. And the bad effects of which are set on their persons. But we should feel sorry for our nation that God has blessed us with so many blessings, gave us a strong mind, made us a great mind, gave us the substance of the highest thoughts and ideas, but also presented a complete code of life in the form of the Qur’an and Hadith. Which has made it very easy for man to touch the limits of heights and heights, yet we are so far behind in foresight and imagination and loftiness that God’s refuge! By Allah, we have to show our essence, we have to show our worth and we have to use again the same eternal understanding and wisdom and unparalleled thought and prudence, on the basis of which we have ruled the world for a long time. Today we have to take advantage of our enemy’s useless and narrow thinking and tell our people that you are not less than them in any way. Neither in strength, nor in numbers, nor in the eyes of the Indian Constitution. Because if that were the case, today our enemy does not seem to be afraid of us.

Keep one more thing in mind that our fear and fear in their hearts is not only seen by their expression of fear of falling into the minority again and again these days, but also by what they have done to us during the last few years during the tenure of the saffron party. Atrocities and injustices have also happened, all of them are a reflection of their extreme fear and panic towards us. I want to give a simple example. A bloodthirsty and poisonous game of mob lynching was played with us. Do you know why it was played? Obviously, the one who is afraid of the snake kills it. It means our enemy is afraid of us and that is why he is killing us. But the most surprising thing is that the one who is afraid of us is killing us and we are not even bothering to resist. So my friends! We have to change this attitude. It is not wise to be satisfied with the thought that our enemy is killing us but also fearing us, but we have to create real fear in the heart of our enemy. The fear after which they shudder at the thought of their fate before casting an evil eye on any individual Muslim. And this will be possible only when we strengthen ourselves and stop the feeling of minority from within. And will assure the country of their large numbers. Remember, in a country like India, where we live in a minority, it is very important to celebrate our plurality, otherwise our whole life will be a victim of oppression and oppression. If we try, we will surely succeed. Surely our enemy should be afraid of us in the true sense that fear is the fate of the disbelievers. And fearlessness is only a characteristic of the Muslim nation.

It is true that high and positive thinking plays a very important role in human life. That’s why we should keep positive and encouraging thoughts from some angle and avoid every word or phrase that causes low courage instead of increasing courage. Let’s accept for a moment that our number is small and we are in the minority here, but what does it matter? We can immediately shake this crude idea that if we are less in India, then what happened in the map of the whole world, we are at least the Hindutva of India, but more than the Hindus of the whole world. And this is a fact that no one can deny, and no one can prevent the morale of Muslims from rising with this concept. And this concept is not just for fun or entertainment, but the thinking of a Muslim should be such that he checks his status and number in the map of the whole world. Because according to Salah al-Din Ayubi, “Islamic Empire has no limits”. Therefore, it is extremely important that our thoughts and concerns go beyond national borders and become global and universal. The higher the thinking of the nation, the better its performance in the world and based on this, it determines the duration of its existence on this earth. According to the poet Mashreq, “The life of nations rests on their imagination”.


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