A refrigerant is a substance or mixture, usually a fluid, used in a heat pump and refrigeration cycle. In most cycles it undergoes phase transitions from a liquid to a gas and back again. Many working fluids have been used for such purposes.
IUPAC ID | Dichlorodifluoromethane |
Formula | CCl2F2 |
Molar mass | 120.91 g/mol |
Boiling point | -29.8 °C |
Melting point | -157.7 °C |
Density | 1.49 g/cm³ |
R-12 cylinder color | white |
IUPAC ID | 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane |
Formula | CH2FCF3 |
Boiling point | -26.3 °C |
Density | 4.25 kg/m³ |
Melting point | −103.3 °C (−153.9 °F; 169.8 K) |
Molar mass | 102.03 g/mol |
R-134a cylinde color | light blue |
Boiling point | -48.5 °C |
Melting point | -155 °C |
Formula | 50%CH2F2 50%CHF2CF3 |
Critical pressure, MPa | 4.86 |
Liquid density (30°C), kg/m3 | 1040 |
R-410A cylinde color | pink |
IUPAC name | Chlorodifluoromethane |
Molar mass | 86.47 g/mol |
Formula | CHClF2 |
Density | 3.66 g/cm³ |
Boiling point | −40.7 °C (−41.3 °F; 232.5 K) |
Melting point | −175.42 °C (−283.76 °F; 97.73 K) |
R-22 cylinder color | light green |
IUPAC ID | isobutane |
Formula | C4H10 |
Boiling point | -11.7 °C |
Melting point | -159.6 °C |
Molar mass | 58.12 g/mol |
Density | 2.51 kg/m³ |
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