Shaykh-ul-Islam Hazrat Allama Syed Shah Ghulam Najaf Qadri Muhaddith Azim Abadi Quds Sira



Shaykh-ul-Islam Hazrat Allama Syed Shah Ghulam Najaf Qadri Muhaddith Azim Abadi Quds Sira

For thousands of years, Narcissus cries for its lack of light
For a long time there has been a birth in Chaman

The Sun of Knowledge and Wilayat, Mahtab of Shariat and Tariqat, Jama Al-Uloom and Al-Funun, Shaykh al-Islam Hazrat Allama Syed Shah Ghulam Najaf Qadri Muhaddith Azim Abadi Quds Sira (died: 1308 AH / 1890 AD) is the name of an eight-faceted personality. You are the holy figure of knowledge and action, the beautiful image of sincerity and godliness, the moving image of asceticism and piety and purity and holiness, the statue of love and loyalty, the sun of knowledge and awareness, the dewy fountain of good morals and the one of insight and wisdom. He was an enviable example. You were one of the enviable children whom the motherland gave birth to in the thirteenth century of Hijri. He was born on 21/Ramadan Mubarak 1233 AH at dawn in Khanqah Shah Arzan, Azeemabad (Patna), Bihar. On the morning of his birth, on the same night before the Tahajjud prayer, the Beloved of the Lord of the Worlds, Hazrat Syed Shah Karim Bakhsh Quds Sira, had a dream that Hazrat Moula Ali Sher-e-Khuda-Karam-Allah-Rabbiyyah-Kareem was saying that today Junaid II (Sayed Shah Ibad Allah) will have a child who will follow in our footsteps. I named him “Ghulam Najaf” and his parents named him Ghulam Najaf after the name given by the Imam of the saints, Hazrat Moula Ali (RA), the effect of which was that this child went on to gain knowledge, wisdom and wisdom. He emerged as the crown prince of the province. You were the eyes and lamp of a great intellectual and spiritual family. But how was your education and training and who are your teachers? The details of these things could not be known. He was a follower of Hazrat Syed Shah Karim Bakhsh Quds Sira, beloved of the Lord of the Worlds. Your father Junaid-i-Tani, Arif-i-Bullah Hazrat Syed Shah Ibadullah Azim Abadi Quds-Sara, Jalil-ul-Qadr of his time, was a high-ranking Sufi and a perfect scholar, and the mention of his knowledge and mysticism was special and common.

Fame and Popularity:

Due to his enviable religious and national services, his expertise in sciences and arts, and his high position in the province and spirituality, Shaykh-ul-Islam Syed Shah Ghulam Najaf Quds Sira was the authority of the people and the people. When the sound of your fame rose, the students of Islamic studies traveled from far away places and started coming to your bargah to acquire blessings. Even the scholars of the time and the priests of the era would also come to visit you. It is mentioned in Tazkirah Ulama Bihar (Volume 1) that the fame of his knowledge, his wisdom, his asceticism and piety and his spiritual perfections had spread far and wide during his time. Those who are thirsty for knowledge and wisdom from the country and abroad would come to you and quench their thirst for knowledge and spirituality. Hearing the fame of your intellectual and spiritual elevation, some important and learned personalities of your time also came to meet you at your monastery. Maulana Ahmad Raza Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan Fazil Barelvi, may Allah have mercy on him, was among them.

(Memory of Ulama Bihar, Vol. I, p. 219, Publisher: Department of Broadcasting, Jamia Islamia Qasmiya, Bala Sath, Sitamarhi)

Academic position and authorship services:

Shaykh-ul-Islam Hazrat Allama Syed Shah Ghulam Najaf Muhaddith Azeem Abadi Quds Sarah was the confluence of Sharia and Tariqat and held a high position of knowledge and knowledge. Your multi-layered thinking and personality has influenced the entire era. He was an expert in sciences and arts, master of principles and branches, the sun of the wheel of knowledge and wisdom and a diver in the ocean of knowledge. Allah Almighty blessed him with many attributes and qualities and intellectual and spiritual virtues and perfections. He had an eagle eye on most branches of religious studies. He was called by the title of “Sheikh-ul-Islam” due to his intelligence and writing skills, academic ability, technical skills and enviable services in various fields. You have done valuable academic and literary services in most sciences and arts.

Dr. Muhammad Hufzur Rehman (Former Professor, Department of Education and Training, Al Falah University, Faridabad, Haryana) highlights his academic expertise and all-round scholarly and literary services:

His eyes were deep on Qur’anic studies, hadith, principles of hadith, biography, jurisprudence, principles of jurisprudence, history, literature, virtues and virtues, takseer, morals, commentary, jurisprudence, syntax, logic, philosophy and authority. Hazrat Shaykhul Islam (Shah Ghulam Najaf Muhaddith Azeemabadi) has written books on most of these sciences. Istaz Al-Kal Hazrat Syed Shah Ibrahim Hussain Quds-Sara has written: “The works and compilations of Hazrat Shah Ghulam Najaf Quds-Sara Al-Aziz are more than hundred”. But most of the books are missing or lost. Here I will mention only those books which are present in my personal library or which I have seen in any library.

(1) Commentary on Surah Al-Fatiha (2) Isnad Bismillah (3) Virtues of Blessings (4) Risalah Akaam and Aurad (5) Risalah Milad (6) Collection of Fatawa (6) Kuliat-e-Najaf (7) Curses of Allah and the angels and people (8) ) Sayyid al-Anbiya (peace be upon him) (9) Jurisdiction of Mahfil-i Mawlid (10) Virtues of the Prophet (11) Purification of Self (12) Al-Murtaza (13) Manaqib-i-Ghous (14) Jurisdiction of Mahfil-e-Sama’ (15) Selected Hadiths with Urdu Translation and Commentary (16) Margin of Jalaleen Sharif.


(17) Shajrat al-Iqeen fi Jannat al-Naeem. Author: Shah Reza Hussain, Printed: Noor Al Anwar Press, Ara, Year: Dhu Qa’da 1292 AH.
(18) Ahsan al-Shahadtin fi Ramuz al-Sabatin. Author: Shah Reza Hussain, Printed: Noor Al Anwar Press, Ara, Year: 1294 AH.
(19) Nimat-e-Arzan, Mart: Abd al-Razzaq (penalized 1304 AH)
(20) Latif Al Khobar. Author: Shah Raza Hussain, Published: Union Press Alpanch, Bankipur, Patna, Year: 1307 AH.
(21) Irshad-e-Ezam. Title: Syed Shah Ibrahim Hussain, (died 1308 AH)
(22) Light upon light. Title: Shah Reza Hussain. Published by: Union Press Alpanch, Bankipur, Patna, Bihar

(Tazkirah Sufiay Bihar, Volume I, p: 228 / 239, Publisher: Educational Publishing House, Delhi)

Hazrat Shah Ghulam Najaf Qadri Quds Sira’s religious, academic, preaching, teaching, literary, writing, writing and spiritual services are enviable and worthy of imitation. Throughout his life, he was active in the promotion and publication of religion and religion, and with his preaching efforts, he not only guided the lost people to the right path, but also brought hundreds of non-Muslims into the circle of Islam by teaching them the word. See this quote from “Tazkirah Sufiay Bahar”:

If we study the history of Aftab-e-Sharia from Hazrat Diwan Shah Arzan (R.A.) to Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Najaf, it comes to light that all the elders of this chain, with a deep sense of austerity and austerity, were responsible for the protection and survival of Islam. Therefore, always strive and be concerned for the reformation and guidance of Muslims. Every person sitting on this Masnad of guidance and guidance considered it his responsibility to connect the servants of Allah with Allah, to convey the message of Allah and the Messenger of Allah to the servants of Allah, and praise be to Allah, this process continues even today. This is the reason why the large number of non-Muslims who entered the circle of Islam at the hands of the elders of this monastery is unprecedented. Before the Sajjad of Holy Head (Shah Ghulam Najaf), like his predecessors, he used to travel to distant areas to preach religion and invite non-Muslims to Islam. Through his preaching, hundreds of non-Muslims entered the circle of Islam in Champaran. His generation is still following the path of Islam and among them are some people who are now called “Thakurai”. Apart from this, he also did a special work of propagation of religion in Punjab and there also a large number of people converted to Islam at his hands.

(Tazkirah Sufiay Bihar, Volume I, 225 / 226, Published: Educational Publishing House, Delhi)

Death of regret verses:

Apart from being a scholar and scholar, muhaddith and commentator, researcher and thinker, preacher and preacher, ascetic and ascetic, mystic and Sufi, writer and author, he was also a great poet. “Kaliat-e-Najaf” is your poetic monument. 1st Sha’ban 1308 AH / On Thursday morning, Sadiq passed away and was buried in Khanqah Shah-e-Arzan, Azeemabad (Patna). You were the seventh priest of this monastery. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the honor of accepting your services and enrich us all with your knowledge and spiritual blessings. Amen!!


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