Sultan Al-Awlia: Syedna Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir Jilani Ghous-e-Azam Dastgir



By the grace of God, the shadow of Ghous-e-Azam is upon us
Both of us have the support of Ghous-e-Azam

All the scholars of Ahl-e-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’at agree on this fact that Allah, the Exalted, sent innumerable prophets and messengers from Adam (peace be upon him) to our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for the development and guidance of his servants and for the promotion and propagation of the religion of Islam. He sent peace and entrusted the welfare of the people to them. After the death of Sayyid al-Saqaleen, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the Caliphs, Imams, Imams, and Mujtahids spread the holy message of Islam to all peoples and communities and guided people to the path of truth. In this way, the promotion and publication of religion continued to be very good. Then the grace and mercy of the Lord of the Universe happened that Allah, the Most High, sent a group of his close and distinguished saints to be responsible for the rights of human beings. handed over their shoulders so that people do not get stuck in the quagmire of misguidance and always follow the path indicated by Allah.

Countless saints of Allah and close servants appeared on this earth and all of them spread the pure message of this pure religion in a good way, but among these saints of Allah, the name of such a great and blessed person will always be ours. There is an echo in the ears of those who have performed such good deeds that they are like being written with silver on gold sheets until the dawn of judgment. He is the blessed caste, but he is the caste of Sultan Al-Awaliya Qadwat al-Arifin Piran-e-Pir. The enlightened conscience of Qutb-ul-Aqtab al-Sheikh Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir Jilani Ghous-e-Azam Dastgir, who with his light turned away the clouds of oppression and the light of truth shined as a manifestation of truth that even today the age is indebted to his services and his services to him. Unforgettable for Ummah-i-Muhammadiyah.

Happy Birth:

Sultan Al-Awlia Sheikh Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir Jilani Ghous Azam Dastgir (may God bless him and grant him peace) was born in Jailan on the first night of the first month of Ramadan in the year 470. When you were in your mother’s womb, your mother was about sixty years old. No writer and no language can fully express the praise of this great caste. On the call of the people, he rose to prominence as Ghous Azam, that is, he continued to show glory. You were beloved. Fires were the leading saints and they have been serving the needs of God’s creatures throughout their lives and are still doing so.

Blessed lineage:

Your genealogy is Syed Abu Saleh Musa Jangi Dost bin Abdullah Al Jaili bin Sayyid Yahya Zahid bin Sayyed Muhammad Murust bin Sayyid Dawud bin Sayyed Musa Thani bin Sayyed Musa Aljun bin Sayyed Abdullah Thani Bin Sayyed Abdullah Al Muhd ​​Bin Sayyid Hasan Al Muthna Bin Sayyidna Imam Hasan Bin Sayyidna Ali. Karma Allah meets the reason.

Childhood days:

All the saints and scholars on this earth agree that you are a born saint. And it is said that when you were born, all the boys born at that time were all of their time. A great sage became perfect and shone on the earth. From the time you were born, from sunrise to sunset in the month of Ramadan, you did not drink your mother’s milk, as it is said, “Wald al-Ashraf, the son of Wila Yarza’ in Ramadan, that is, one of the family of Sadat.” In this way, Noor child was born who does not drink milk for the whole day during Ramadan. Also you hated sports very much.

You know that in childhood children are usually very fond of sports, but Allah Almighty did not approve that even a bright and shining star of the sky should waste his time in sports. You stayed away from blood and games from the age of childhood and you yourself say that whenever I wanted to play and jump, a voice would come from the unseen saying, O blessed one, come to me and do not engage in sports. be

Knowledge of Wilayat:

There is an incident that some people came to the court of Ghose Azam, may Allah have mercy on him, and asked when did he know about Wilayat and how did he know it? In addition, you say that when I used to go to the school, a voice would come from the unseen and all of us used to say in the school, “Afshawa al-Wali Allah, make space for the guardian of Allah.”

Education and Training :

Ghous Azam Dastgir (may Allah have mercy on him) was sent by God from his mother’s womb to make him a great and modern scholar of the Qur’an and all the sciences and arts, that is why his discoveries and miracles began to appear before his birth. Once a beggar came to the door and shouted. He found your mother alone in the house and came in. At that time, a lion appeared from the unseen and tore her to pieces and disappeared.

At the age of sixteen, he went to Baghdad Sharif from Jailan and at the age of seven, after graduating from Fazal Rabi in all different and diverse types of sciences and arts, he shone like the turbulent sea. After that time, he became a follower of Hazrat Abu Al-Khair Abu Saeed and started engaging in Mujahideen and worship.


Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani had twenty children from his four wives. Twenty boys and rest girls.
Sheikh Saifuddin Abdul Wahab, Sheikh Tajuddin Abdul Razzaq, Sheikh Sharafuddin Isa, Sheikh Abu Ishaq Ibrahim, Sheikh Abu Bakr Abdul Aziz, Sheikh Abu Zakaria Yahya Sheikh Abdul Jabbar, Sheikh Abu Nasr Musa, Sheikh Abu Fazl Muhammad and Sheikh Abdullah.

Worship and austerity:

From the time he became the disciple of Abul Khair Abu Saeed, he wandered in the forests for about twenty-five years. If he was conscious, he would be engaged in worship. At that age you did great austerities and lived on leaves and grass for many days.

For 40 years, he performed morning prayers after Isha ablution and did not put a pillow on his head. He spent 15 years in this world, standing on one leg and praying all night. They used to finish the Holy Quran one by one in each rakat. When the internal purification has been completed, you have been given the title of Khilafah. And you came into the behavior with enthusiasm. The series of sermons and advice started. People used to come from far away to listen to your speeches. The condition of the crowd was that there was no place left to put a foot anywhere. Countless people accepted Islam at your hands and were enlightened about the truth of Islam. And you used to give money to those students who did not have money to seek religious knowledge. And started working for the welfare of all people.

Discoveries and achievements of Hazrat Ghous Azam Dastgir (may Allah have mercy on him):

In this way, all the Saints who have appeared on this Khakadan Geeti, all of them have brought people to Islam with their virtues, but the services as Kashf and Karamats of Hazrat Ghous-ul-Azam Dastgir, may God bless him and grant him peace, have not been done in the lifetime of any other saint. The glimpse is never seen.

Let me tell you my personal experience that whenever I am in any trouble and I don’t see any other option, I start asking for help and this wazifa is so effective that I never feel disappointed. Not done. Thanks to this scholarship, I have always come out of big difficulties easily, from which even the remotest thought of getting out of it made my soul tremble. But this stipend of Ghous-ul-Madd got me out of all difficulties. Let’s take a look at some of the discoveries of Hazrat Ghous Azam Dastgir (may Allah have mercy on him):

There is an incident that a beautiful and beautiful woman was your dead. Before she died, an evil person was in love with her. After pledging allegiance, the woman left for the mountain to defecate. At that time, the evil person came to know about this, so he chased the chaste woman and killed her. Wanted to tarnish Daman Asmat. When this woman did not see any way of salvation, she started taking the name of Sarkar Ghous Azam and said Al-Ghiyath Yaghous Azam Dastgir Al-Ghiyath Yasikh Mohiuddin or Ghiyath Abdul Qadir Jilani. At that time Sarkar Ghous Azam was performing ablution in his seminary and his feet had two wooden shoes, he took them off and threw them towards the cave. Before the transgressor could achieve his goal, the two holy shoes reached his head and started hitting him on the head until he died. The woman appears in the court of Ghous Azam for Naleen Mubarak and explains her entire condition in front of all present. So it was found out how Ghous-i-Azam Dastgir helped his dead.

It is narrated by Adi bin Musafir that one day Ghous-e-e-Azam Dastgir was giving a sermon and admonition in the courtyard of the Madrasa that it started to rain and the people became confused and panicked, so he turned towards the sky and said: I gather people and disperse them. You said that the rain stopped in the courtyard of the madrassa and the rain continued outside the madrassa.

The wind stopped immediately, raining on the members of the assembly
What Abar Baran found indicated Ghous Azam

Hazrat Syed Abdul Wahab, the son of Hazrat Ghous Azam, may Allah have mercy on him, says that once Hazrat Ghous Azam fell seriously ill, we were sitting around him. At that time he said: “I will not die now.” Behind me is a boy named Yahya, who will definitely be born. Hazrat Sheikh Abd al-Wahhab says that according to his decree, when a son was born, he named him Yahya. After that, he remained a Bahayat for 123 years. Hazrat Ghous Azam (may God bless him and grant him peace) says that “Whoever hides his trouble, Allah gives him a double reward, so it is better to hide poverty.”

Hazrat Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Abi al-Fath (may Allah have mercy on him) said that one day in 530 AH I was sitting in the service of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (may Allah have mercy on him) and I sneezed and phlegm came out of my mouth. I felt ashamed that “perhaps Hazrat felt disgusted”. I was bowing my head in shame when Hazrat Ghous Azam said: “O Abu Abdullah! There is no harm, after today there will be no saliva and phlegm and no sputum. Hazrat Abu Abdullah (may God bless him and grant him peace) says that after this incident he lived for a long time, that is, he lived for 137 years, but after that day he neither spit nor shed.

Once, the Governor of Baghdad, His Holiness Ghous Pak Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, was walking towards the river. There, he saw a ninety-year-old old woman crying profusely. Why is the woman crying? The only good son of this old woman was the poor man who arranged his marriage. The mother is still waiting for her son and daughter-in-law. The grief of this poor person does not go away. She comes to this river every day and leaves without crying. Huzur Ghos Pak Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani felt great pity for this old woman, he prostrated before Allah and pleaded for the sunken boat to be recovered from the river. The bride and groom and the barati appeared on the surface of the water with all their equipment. The talk of this honor spread far and wide that countless unbelievers came and accepted faith at the hands of Sayyidna Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Her groom was Hazrat Syed Kabiruddin Shah Doula Daryai, whose shrine is a shrine in Gujarat, a well-known industrial city in Pakistan.

Sayings of Ghous-e-Azam:

O man, if you are given a life from the beginning to the end and you are told to make the name of Allah dwell in your heart through your hard work, worship and austerity, then by the honor and glory of the Lord, this is not possible. Until you have the companionship of a perfect servant of Allah. Take the companionship of people of heart so that you also become the owner of heart. My mureed is the one who remembers Allah and I believe in the remembrancer whose heart remembers Allah.

Sighing at death:

Sultan Al-Awalia Qudwat al-Arifin Piran-i-Pir Roshan Zamir Qutb-ul-Qtab al-Sheikh Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir Jilani Ghous Azam Dastgir passed away on Saturday night 1166 AH at the age of 89. And he was buried in the premises of his seminary. You performed numerous services and left this mortal realm for the Hereafter.

We pray to Allah Ta’ala that Allah Ta’ala grants us the opportunity to live our lives by following his Sunnah and enrich us with the happiness of Dareen.

By: Muhammad Fida Al-Mustafa (9037099731)
Darul Hudi Islamia University, Malaparam, Kerala
[email protected]


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