Q and A RAC / HVAC |Compressor, Capacitor, Suction Ice, Overload AC ?
Q & A in Urdu and Hindi Q # 1: AC k uper jitny ampere likhy hoty ha agar us sy zyada ampere ly to kya...
Q & A in Urdu and Hindi Q # 1: AC k uper jitny ampere likhy hoty ha agar us sy zyada ampere ly to kya...
Why Comes Ice on Evaporator and how this solve Fault Sometimes Ice comes on evaporator of Window AC when Ice comes on windows AC then AC...
AC Compressor wiring burn and installed new wires Sometimes our AC’s every thing ON but do not Cooling Outdoor fan running but Outdoor compressor not running...
Indoor air throw low Reasons and Solve Problems If our AC’s indoor air throw is low Then the ice comes on the suction pipe. Indoor air...
HVAC Q&A 2 Q1. How much is R600 Gas Running Pressure and Standing Pressure? Ans. R600 RunningĀ Pressure is 0 Psi to 2 Psi and Standing...
Stop leakage in air conditioner Sometime our AC unit Leak again and again, and this leak is very small. when we face this problem then what...
Open rust able screws & Bolts Sometimes rust gets on our nut or Screw, and it doesn’t open easily, screw driver and key are happening slipped....
Compressor gets more ampere and trip with heat Sometimes our AC takes more amperes and compressor gets hotter and compressor gets trip many people face this...
Compressor over heat Sometimes our Compressor gets trip or gets over heat but our every thing is OK. Some of which are this Voltage Low Problem...
Long piping effect AC & How much gas needed In many places we have to install long pipe. If we are Installing a AC and we...