The glory of Hazrat Ghous-i-Azam, may Allah be pleased with him



The glory of Hazrat Ghous-i-Azam, may Allah be pleased with him

It is said that there are three levels of piety – First: Avoiding eternal punishment by being disgusted with polytheism and disbelief – Second: Avoiding such words and actions that lead to sin – Third: Avoiding everything that makes a person forget the truth and completely Turning towards God – this is called obedience
Hazrat Sheikh Saadi Shirazi, may God have mercy on him, has described it as follows:

Disobedients should repent of their sins
Arifan from Ibadat Istighfar

Meaning: Sinners keep repenting of their sins, but those who know the truth consider their worship to be bad and seek forgiveness.
The first role in this regard is sustenance. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: That body will not enter Paradise which has consumed forbidden food. There is no such thing – the human heart, which is the abode of divine manifestation, becomes dead with forbidden and illicit food – Maulana Rum says:

Knowledge and wisdom more than a bite is halal
Ishq wa Raqqa Zayed by Luqmah Halal
Because you are jealous
Ignorance and negligence are forbidden

Knowledge and wisdom emerge from a halal morsel, inflammation is the fruit and result of all halal, but on the contrary, when you see that envy, negligence, ignorance etc. Arbab-e-Tariqat which verse:
Inma Yakhshi Allah from the worship of the scholars and blessed hadiths:
The scholars are the successors of the Prophets and the scholars of the Ummah are the descendants of the children of Israel in the true sense. Here, the first rank is that of Akal Halal, then Sadaq Muqal. So it is necessary for every seeker, whether he is a beginner or an advanced student, that without it It is a crude idea to follow the path or to claim it.
Knowledgeable in the codes of the Shariat, knowledgeable in the mysteries of the Tariqat, divers of the sea, the truth and knowledge of the Muqtadas of all the Mashaikhs of the Holy Prophet Sayyid Ghusit, may Allah be pleased with them, who are distinguished and unique from the point of view of the family. , then how can the similitude of this holy family be possible:

What is the relative purity of the soil?

His Highness Hazrat Al-Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Fazil-e-Barelvi (A.S.) says:

Your offspring is pure, child of light
So is the light of your entire family of light

But at the same time, it is also certain that the person who attained the most important rank and position has the same perfections, knowledge and dreams, patience and thanksgiving, piety and piety, asceticism and piety, trust and honesty, generosity and contentment, high morals and Even wealth like character is present in the highest degree, but these things are the basis and key in its favor.
In the light of the above-mentioned principle, examine the asceticism and piety of Sheikh Al-Alam, Ghaus-ul-Azam Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir Jilani, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his parents Karimin, may God bless him and grant him peace, and their grace and perfection. Youth is crazy – It is true that a person sometimes slips up in his youth, because, “Shab Shabata min al-Junun”, youth is a part of madness – but at the same time, it is also a Muslim that on those souls of Qudsiya, God is his own. May they never fall victim to the evils of the self.
Majid, the father of Hazrat Ghous Azam, may Allah be pleased with him, is the scholar of Shaykh Abu Salih Musa, the war friend of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Yes, it has been many days of starvation. Nafs al-Jaw is making a sound of hunger. In this condition, you pass by the river bank. Suddenly you saw an apple floating in the river. You picked it up and ate it. I thought that the apple I had eaten belonged to God knows who, it is not good to eat it without permission. Let’s find the owner and ask for his forgiveness. Then you saw a garden, you asked who does this garden belong to? The narrator took the name of Hazrat Abdullah Sumai. This Hazrat Abdullah Sumai himself was a tall, God-fearing elder. Hazrat Abu Saleh came to his service and asked for forgiveness. It is not like the youths, they first presented this condition that the guardianship of the garden should be approved for a few days, then something will be said about the forgiveness of the apple. And then they sought forgiveness from the owner of the garden. The owner of the garden said, “I have a girl who is lame, beautiful, deaf and dumb. You have to marry her. In view of the apple’s forgiveness, Hazrat Abu Salih accepted without saying anything.” It was such a condition that if there was any other human being in the place of Hazrat Abu Saleh, the earth would have slipped from under his feet, but let me sacrifice myself for the souls of Qudsiya, whose sufferings and sufferings of this world are insignificant compared to the fear of humiliation and disobedience in the Hereafter. There was no value in humiliation and humiliation, and there was no wealth more dear than the well-being of the hereafter and the approval and pleasure of God and His Messenger. When and why would he not accept this condition?
At night, when you go to the wedding room, what do you see? Here is a very handsome, beautiful, fit and healthy girl sitting. It happened that perhaps another girl has gone into the room by mistake – Hazrat Abdullah Soumai said, “My son, the qualities that I had described of my daughter Naik Akhtar means that my daughter has never seen a non-mahram with her eyes.” has not seen, has never taken his step towards unlawful places, has not touched anything forbidden with his hand, has not heard anything unlawful with his ears, has never opened his tongue against the truth, therefore he is blind, lovely. , is lame, deaf and dumb – Now let us imagine that when the knowledge of the piety and abstinence, asceticism and fear of God of the parents of Hazrat Ghous-ul-Azam (RA) was this knowledge, then what will be the knowledge of the flower that blooms from this Gulshan – Dr. Iqbal has said:

Be safe in the evening
That embrace Shabiri Bagiri

It is a matter of fact that parents have an influence on children, the child is the embodiment of his parents, these are some of the reasons that the whole life of Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam (RA) from birth to death was a mirror of Shariat. In the days and nights of your life, you did not deviate even for a moment from the straight path, but you became steadfast in following the Sunnah and destroyed every evil plan and became a source of honor for your predecessors. And the Taliban who came to doomsday became a torch for the truth, and as soon as he emerged from the womb, he announced his guardianship, grace, and honor.
It is narrated that the twenty-ninth date of Sha’ban al-Ma’zam was when the sun had set its destination, people’s eyes were fixed on the horizon, but due to the cloud, the moon could not be seen, there was talk of the moon everywhere. On the other hand, Hazrat Abu Salih, the Sultan of the World of Wilayat and Dignity, has not touched his mother’s breast since the dawn of the next morning. A person is born who does not drink his mother’s milk from sunrise to sunset. This is the state of following the Shari’ah of Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam, may Allah be pleased with him. He granted the Shahadat of the Moon and declared himself to be the Wali of his mother.

Be bound by the rules of Sharia from the beginning
Ghous-e-Azam’s fast even in infancy

From this one incident, it can be well guessed how holy and pure your childhood must have been. You were still young when your father Majid Hazrat Sheikh Abu Salih, may God bless him and grant him peace, passed away. continued to receive until the day came that you are present before your mother with folded hands to plead with love. The time was about seventy-eight years, but in spite of this greatness, Sunni gave permission with pleasure and gave forty ashrafis in his chair and said, “Son, what kind of calamity is standing on your head, but never tell a lie – of a caravan.” Together, they left with the intention of Baghdad Sharif. When this caravan went a little further than Hamdan, the robbers robbed the caravan. He said yes, I have forty Ashrafis. This bandit thought that this boy might be joking and went ahead and discussed with the other bandits. Did they also come to Hazrat Ghous-ul-Azam? The same question and answer happened. These bandits told their leader. The leader of the robbers also comes to you and asks, boy, tell me the truth, do you have anything? He said, “I have 40 ashrafis. When I saw them, 40 ashrafis were actually found.” Why revealed? He said, while walking from home, mother Majda had told me, son, never tell a lie, so I told you the truth. Hearing this, the leader of the robbers was very impressed and said, boy, you have violated your mother’s order. Alas, no! I have disobeyed my Lord and Master for many years and fell at his feet and repented. You were our chiefs, so now you are our chiefs in repentance.
Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam, may Allah be pleased with him, once mentioned one of his events and said, “This was the first group that repented at my hand.” At such a time, a man forgets everything and only cares about his life and wealth.
He reached Baghdad Sharif and completed the rest of the sciences and arts. He sent his thirst to many learned scholars, scholars, and perfect jurists, until the crown of Qutbit was placed on his head. Is_

True knowledge, even the Qur’an
Vinlat al-Saad from Mauli al-Mawali

After graduation, he fully committed to austerity and mujahidah. Meanwhile, he used to go to the forest and desert for months and sometimes years, patrolling the deserts, eating the leaves of the trees and eating the fallen things. They continued to happen, but the owner of Ghoushet Kabra, by the grace and mercy of his Lord, defeated every evil attack, despite this, he did not neglect the commands and prohibitions of the Sharia, that being ignorant of them is an evil attack and its purpose. Required –

* Karimganj, Puranpur, Pelibhait, Western Uttar Pradesh
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