Westinghouse Washing Machine Error Codes

Westinghouse Washing Machine Error Codes

Westinghouse Washing Machine Error Codes

Washing Machine is useful Product from Every home And it is a product used in every home Sometimes it contains an error code. We can fix some error codes at home and we need to call a technician to fix some error codes. In this post you will find all the error codes of Westinghouse washing machine and I hope you will benefit a lot from this post. If you find it helpful, please share this post.

Error CodesSolutions
E11Water fill difficulty during washing. Tap closed or water pressure too low; Drain pipe improperly positioned; Water fill solenoid valve faulty; Leaks from water circuit on pressure switch; Pressure switch faulty; Wiring faulty; Main PCB faulty. Cycle is paused with door locked.
E12Water load problems during drying cycle. Water tap closed or water flow too low; Wrong drain pipe position; Water inlet valve defective; Air trap system leaking; Pressure switch defective; Wiring or main board defective. Cycle Paused with door locked
E13Water leaks. Drain pipe improperly positioned; Water pressure too low; Water fill solenoid valve faulty; Water circuit on pressure switch is leaking/clogged; Pressure switch faulty. Cycle is paused with door locked.
E21Drain difficulty during washing. Drain pipe kinked/clogged/improperly positioned; Drain filter clogged/dirty; Wiring faulty; Pressure switch faulty; Drain pump rotor blocked; Drain pump faulty; Main PCB faulty. Cycle paused (after 2 attempts).
E22Water drain problems during drying cycle. Drain pipe blocked up; Blocked/dirty filter; Drain pump defective; Pressure switch defective; Wiring or main Board defective. Cycle Paused.
E23Faulty TRIAC for drain pump. Wiring faulty; Drain pump faulty; Main PCB faulty. Safety drain cycle – Cycle stops with door open.
E24Drain pump TRIAC “sensing” circuit faulty. Main circuit board faulty. Safety drain cycle – Cycle stops with door unlocked.
E25Aqua control sensing failure. Main board defective. Safety Drain cycle. Cycle stops with door unlocked.
E31Electronic pressure switch circuit faulty. Wiring; Electronic pressure switch; Main PCB; Cycle stops with door locked.
E32Calibration error of the electronic pressure switch. Drain tube kinked/clogged/improperly positioned; Faulty solenoid; Drain filter clogged/dirty; Drain pump faulty; Leaks in the pressure switch hydraulic circuit; Pressure switch faulty; Wiring; main PCB. Cycle paused.
E35Overflow. Water fill solenoid valve faulty; Leaks from water circuit on pressure switch; Wiring faulty; Pressure switch faulty; Main PCB faulty. Cycle interrupted. Safety drain cycle. Drain pump continues to operate (5 min. on, then 5 min. off. etc.)
E38Internal pressure chamber is clogged (water level does not change for at least 30 sec. of drum rotation). Motor belt broken; Water circuit on pressure switch clogged. Heating phase is skipped.
E41Door open. Check whether the door is closed properly; Wiring faulty; Door safety interlock faulty; Main circuit board faulty. Cycle paused.
E42Problems with door lock. Wiring faulty; Door safety interlock faulty; Electrical current leak between heating element and ground; Main PCB faulty. Cycle paused.
E43Faulty TRIAC supplying power to door delay system. Wiring faulty; Door safety interlock faulty; Main circuit board faulty. (Safety drain cycle) Cycle blocked.
E44Faulty sensing by door delay system. Main circuit board faulty. (Safety drain cycle) Cycle blocked.
E45Faulty sensing by door delay system TRIAC. Main circuit board faulty. (Safety drain cycle) Cycle blocked.
E51Motor power TRIAC short-circuited. Current leakage from motor or from wiring; Main PCB faulty. Cycle stops with door open (after 5 attempts)
E52No signal from motor tachometric generator. Wiring faulty; Motor faulty; Main circuit board faulty. Cycle stops with door locked (after 5 attempts)
E53Faulty sensing by motor TRIAC. Main circuit board faulty. Cycle blocked.
E54Motor relay contacts sticking. Current leakage from motor or from wiring; Main PCB faulty. Cycle blocked (after 5 attempts)
E61Insufficient heating during washing. Wiring faulty; NTC probe for wash cycle faulty; Heating element faulty; Main PCB faulty. The heating phase is skipped.
E62Overheating during washing (temperature higher than 88°C for more than 5 min.) Wiring faulty; NTC probe for wash cycle faulty; Heating element faulty; Main PCB faulty. Safety drain cycle Cycle stops with door open.
E66Heating element power relay faulty (inconsistency between sensing and relay status) Main PCB faulty; Safety water fill Cycle stops with door closed.
E68Earth leakage. Earth leakage between heating element and earth. The heating phase is skipped.
E69Heating element interrupted. Wiring faulty; Heating element for washing interrupted (thermal fuse open); Main circuit board faulty.
E6AHeating relay sensing faulty. Main circuit board faulty. Cycle stops with door locked.
E6B – E6HHeating element power relay faulty (inconsistency between sensing and relay status) Wiring faulty; Earth leakage between heating element and earth; Main PCB faulty. Safety water fill Cycle stops with door closed.
E71NTC probe for wash cycle faulty (short-circuited or open) Wiring faulty; NTC probe for wash cycle faulty; Main circuit board faulty. The heating phase is skipped.
E72Output drying NTC failure. Output drying NTC defective; Wiring or WD board defective. Drying heating phases skipped.
E73Input drying NTC failure. Input drying NTC defective; Wiring or WD board defective. Drying heating phases skipped.
E74NTC probe for wash cycle improperly positioned. Wiring faulty; NTC probe for wash cycle improperly positioned; NTC probe faulty; Main PCB faulty. The heating phase is skipped
E83Error in reading selector. Main PCB faulty (incorrect configuration data). Cycle cancelled.
E84Recirculation pump / Motor fan triac sensing failure. Main board defective. Safety Drain cycle. Cycle stops with door unlocked.
E85Recirculation pump / Motor fan triac alarm. Recirculation pump or motor fan defective; Wiring or main board defective. Safety Drain cycle. Cycle stops with door unlocked.
E86Selector configuration error. Display board.
E87Display board microprocessor faulty. Display board. No action to be taken.
E91Communication error between main PCB and display. Wiring faulty; Control/display PCB faulty; Main circuit board faulty.
E92Communication inconsistency between main PCB and display (incompatible versions) Incorrect control/display PCB; Incorrect PCB (does not correspond to the model). Cycle blocked.
E93Appliance configuration error. Main PCB faulty (incorrect configuration data). Cycle blocked.
E94Incorrect configuration of washing cycle. Main PCB faulty (incorrect configuration data). Cycle blocked.
E97Inconsistency between programme selector and cycle configuration. Main PCB faulty (incorrect configuration data). Cycle blocked.
E98FCV_MB protocol incong. Error. Main board incompatible with FCV control board. Cycle blocked.
E9CDisplay board configuration error. Display board faulty.
E9EUI touch fault. Display Board. No actions.
EA1DSP system failure. Wiring or main board defective; DSP sensor failure; Main motor belt broken. Skip of the drum positioning phase.
EA6DSP door open failure. Wiring or main board defective; DSP sensor failure; Main motor belt broken; Lid open. Cycle paused.
EB1 – EH1Power supply frequency out of limits. Wrong or disturbed Power Supply line. Main board defective. Wait for nominal power supply conditions.
EB2 – EH2Power supply voltage too high. Wrong or disturbed Power Supply line. Main board defective. Wait for nominal power supply conditions.
EB3 – EH3Power supply voltage too low. Wrong or disturbed Power Supply line. Main board defective. Wait for nominal power supply conditions.
EB4 – EH4Zero Watt relay alarm. Main board defective. No actions.
EBD – EHDHeater WD relay sensing alarm. Main board defective. Cycle blocked with door locked.
EC1Electronically controlled valve blocked with operating flow meter. Faulty wiring; Faulty/blocked solenoid, PCB faulty. Cycle stops with door locked Drain pump continues to operate (5 min. on, then 5 min. off. etc.)
EC4AGS current sensor faulty. Main board faulty. Spin speed reduced to safety speed of 150 rpm.
ED1WD board communication alarm. WD board defective; Wiring between MB and WD, Main Board defective, UI defective, Weight defective, FCV defective. Cycle blocked.
ED2WD heating element1 relay failure. WD board defective; wiring, thermostats defective; Main Board defective. Skip drying phase.
ED3WD heating element1 sensing relay failure. WD board defective. Skip drying phase.
ED4WD heating element2 relay failure. WD board defective; wiring, thermostats defective, Main Board defective. Skip drying phase.
ED5WD heating element2 sensing relay failure. WD board defective. Skip drying phase.
ED6WD thermostat sensing failure. WD board defective. No actions.
ED7WD thermostat failure. Manual or automatic; thermostat opened, wiring , WD board defective. No actions.
ED8WD fan motor tachometer absent. Fan Motor defective Fan Motor Wiring or WD board defective. Skip drying phase.
ED9WD fan motor driving circuit alarm. WD board defective. Skip drying phase.
EDAWD Power Supply alarm. Wrong or disturbed Power Supply line. WD board defective. Wait for nominal power supply conditions.
EDB – EDHWDM microcontroller fault. WDM board defective. No actions to be performed. If still present replace the WDM Board.
EDCWDM heating element opened. Drying heating elements opened, unplugged, or wiring. No actions.
EDDWDM Ground Current leakage alarm. Current leakage between drying heater element and earth. Drying phases skipped.
EF1Drain filter clogged (drain phase too long) Drain filter clogged/dirty; Drain hose blocked/kinked/too high. Warning displayed at the end of cycle.
EF2Overdosing of detergent (too much foam during drain phases) Excessive detergent dosing; Drain hose kinked/blocked; Drain filter clogged/dirty. Warning displayed after 5 attempts or by the specific LED
EF3Aqua control system intervention. Water leaks onto base frame; Aqua control system faulty; Drain pump coil overheating/broken. Appliance drains.
EF4Water fill pressure too low, no signal from flow meter and electronically controlled valve is open. Tap closed, water fill pressure too low.
EF5Unbalanced load. Final spin phases skipped.
EF6Reset. If it continues, replace the main board. No action to be taken.
EH1Power supply frequency of appliance outside the limits. Problem with the power supply network (incorrect/disturbed); Main PCB faulty. Wait for nominal frequency conditions.
EH2Supply voltage too high. Problem with the power supply network (incorrect/disturbed); Main PCB faulty. Wait for nominal voltage conditions.
EH3Supply voltage too low. Problem with the power supply network (incorrect/disturbed); Main PCB faulty. Wait for nominal voltage conditions.
E01The door of your machine is left open. Close the machine door. If your machine persists to indicate fault, turn off your machine, unplug it and contact the nearest authorised service immediately.
E02The water pressure or the water level inside the machine is low. Turn on the faucet. Mains water may be cut-off. If the problem still continues, your machine will stop after a while automatically. Unplug the machine, turn off your faucet and contact the nearest authorised service.
E03The pump is faulty or pump filter is clogged or electrical connection of the pump is faulty. Clean the pump filter. If the problem persists, contact the nearest authorised service.
E04Your machine has excessive amount of water. Your machine will discharge water by itself. Pursuant to discharging operation, turn off your machine and unplug it. Turn off your faucet and contact the nearest authorised service.

Westinghouse Washing Machine Troubleshooting

FaultPossible Cause – Troubleshooting
Your machine does not start.It is not plugged. Plug it.
Fuse blown. Replace the fuses.
Electricity cut-off. Check mains power.
Start/pause button not pressed. Press on Start/ Pause button.
Programme dial ‘stop’ position. Switch the programme button to the desired position.
The machine door is not completely closed. Close the machine door.
Your machine does not intake water.Water tap is turned off. Turn your faucet on.
Water inlet hose may be twisted. Check water inlet hose and untwist.
Water inlet hose clogged. Clean water inlet hose filters.
Valve inlet filter clogged. Clean the valve inlet filters.
The machine door is not completely closed. Close the machine door.
Your machine does not discharge water.Discharging hose clogged or twisted. Check the discharg- ing hose, then either clean or untwist.
Pump filter clogged. Clean the pump filter.
Laundry settled in the machine unevenly. Spread your laundries in the machine properly and homogeneously.
Your machine vibrates.The feet of your machine have not been adjusted. Adjust the feet on your machine.
Safety stays fitted for transportation not disassembled. Disassemble the safety stays of your machine.
Less amount of laundry in the appliance. This will not block operation of your machine.
Your machine is overloaded with laundry or laundry settled unevenly. Do not put in laundry more than the amount recom- mended and settle the laundry in the machine evenly.
Your machine rests on a hard surface. Prevent your ma- chine from resting on hard surfaces.
Excessive foam is formed in the detergent drawer.Excessive amount of detergent used. Press on Start/Pause button. To eliminate foam formation, mix a spoon of softener with half litres of water, and pour the mixture in the detergent drawer. After 5-10 minutes, press on Start/ Pause button again. In your next washing operation, Adjust the detergent dose accordingly.
Wrong detergent used. Use detergents produced only for automatic washing machines in your machine.
Unsatisfactory washing result.The contamination degree of your laundries does not match the programme you have chosen. Select the programme appropriate for the contamination degree of your laundries.
Amount of detergent used insufficient. Adjust the amount of detergent based on the amount and contamination degree of your laundries.
Laundries in excess of maximum capacity put in your machine. Load your machine with laundries, amount of which will not exceed maximum laundry capacity.
Unsatisfactory washing result.Water being hard. Adjust the amount of detergent based on the instruction of detergent manufacturer.
Laundries distributed in your machine nonhomogenously. Spread your laundry in the machine evenly.
As soon as the machine is loaded with water, water discharges.The end of water discharging hose is too low for the machine. Set the water discharging hose on appropriate height.
No water appears in the drum during washing.No fault. Water is in the unseen part of the drum.
Laundries have detergent residues on them.Non-dissolving particles of some detergents may stick to your laundries as white spots. Perform an extra rinsing by setting your machine to “Rinsing” programme, or clean the spots using a brush after your laundries dry.
Grey spots appear on the laundries.The reason for such spots may be oil, cream or ointment. Apply the maximum amount of detergent instructed by the detergent manufacturer in the next washing operation.
Spinning operation is not performed or runs late.No fault. Unbalanced load control system has been activated. Unbalanced load control system will try to spread your laundries homogeneously. Wringling operation will begin after your laundry is spread. Place the laundry in the machine in a balanced fashion the next time.

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