TPS sensor wiring diagram and Location

TPS sensor

The TPS sensor, or Throttle Position Sensor, is an important component in a vehicle’s fuel injection system. It is typically located on the throttle body and is responsible for monitoring the position of the throttle plate.

The job of this sensor is to measure the throttle condition as a voltage and send a message to the ECM as an input.
This allows the ECM to check the amount of air entering the engine cylinders depending on the throttle position to see if as much fresh air is entering the engine as the throttle is open.

TPS sensor location

The TPS sensor is mounted exactly parallel to the throttle body. That is, where the accelerator cable is attached, the TPS sensor is located on the opposite side. you can see TPS sensor Location in below image.

TPS sensor location

TPS sensor Wiring Diagram

TPS sensor Wiring Diagram

TPS sensor article by AI :

The TPS sensor, or Throttle Position Sensor, is an important component in a vehicle’s fuel injection system. It is typically located on the throttle body and is responsible for monitoring the position of the throttle plate.

The primary function of the TPS sensor is to provide feedback to the engine control unit (ECU) regarding the position of the throttle plate. This information is crucial for the ECU to calculate the appropriate air-fuel mixture and adjust the engine’s performance accordingly.

The TPS sensor consists of a mechanical arm or lever that is directly connected to the throttle shaft. As the driver presses or releases the accelerator pedal, the lever on the TPS sensor moves in response to the throttle plate’s position. The sensor then sends an electrical signal to the ECU, which interprets the signal to determine the throttle position.

In modern vehicles, the TPS sensor is typically a potentiometer that measures the voltage or resistance changes as the throttle plate moves. The ECU uses these voltage or resistance readings to determine the throttle opening angle, enabling it to adjust various engine parameters such as fuel delivery, ignition timing, and transmission shifting.

If the TPS sensor malfunctions or fails, it can lead to several issues such as poor engine performance, hesitation or stumbling during acceleration, rough idling, or even stalling. In such cases, it is often recommended to have the sensor inspected or replaced by a qualified mechanic to restore proper engine operation.

It’s worth noting that specific details about the TPS sensor may vary depending on the make and model of the vehicle, as different manufacturers may employ slightly different designs and technologies.