Why Comes Ice on Evaporator and how this solve Fault
Why Comes Ice on Evaporator and how this solve Fault Sometimes Ice comes on evaporator of Window AC when Ice comes on windows AC then AC...
Why Comes Ice on Evaporator and how this solve Fault Sometimes Ice comes on evaporator of Window AC when Ice comes on windows AC then AC...
AC Compressor wiring burn and installed new wires Sometimes our AC’s every thing ON but do not Cooling Outdoor fan running but Outdoor compressor not running...
Indoor air throw low Reasons and Solve Problems If our AC’s indoor air throw is low Then the ice comes on the suction pipe. Indoor air...
Compressor gets more ampere and trip with heat Sometimes our AC takes more amperes and compressor gets hotter and compressor gets trip many people face this...
If our Window AC is Leak how we can find leak and fix. We will give AC pressure 300Psi to 350Psi , we need some tools...
If You want buy an air conditioner for your home and office see this post first.