What is oxygen back fire and how we can save from it |Fully4world
What is oxygen back fire and how we can save from it Back fire of Oxygen Cylinder is dangerous when blast a oxygen Cylinder so this...
What is oxygen back fire and how we can save from it Back fire of Oxygen Cylinder is dangerous when blast a oxygen Cylinder so this...
Ice on Pipe Top main Reason Why comes Ice on Pipes? There is many reason to come on the pipe. if gas is low then we...
Phase and Neutral of Compressor problem Some people say that Comman point of compressor is phase and running point of compressor is neutral and Some people...
Window AC ICE on Pipe If ice coming on your Windows AC Piping. Turn your AC on and You should check your running gas pressure with...
D-Frosting timer Timer is use in only Defrosting Refrigerators. Defrosting is controlled by an electric or electronic timer: For every 6, 8, 10, 12 or 24...
How to trace indoor of outdoor When we work on a commercial place. There are many units. We do not know that which indoor is of...
Ice on Pipe Main Reasons RAC In split AC Ice on Discharge Pipe: If Ice is Coming on Discharge Pipe, So that means your AC gas...
Compressor not working If your window AC’s Compressor is not working. some parts are in window ac That we should check. And we can trace fault...