In this article we will explore the high, medium and low wire of a 5 wire blower motor. For this we need to have a multimeter, which has continuity option. And if you want to change an indoor blower motor, you need to know the wiring so that there are no problems and easy installation of the motor. If you don’t understand anything, watch the video.
How to find the wires:
- First, set the meter to continuity.
- Now call the values of all the wires two by two. And will be written on note paper.
- The two wires which will have the highest value are the two wires running and starting. And the remaining three wires are high, medium and low.
Now we will explore running and starting:
The two wires which have the higher value, one of them will be connected to a probe of the meter and the other three wires will be connected to high, medium and low one by one, and the value obtained will be recorded.
Similarly, the probe of the meter will be placed on the second wire with a higher value and the other three wires will be connected to high, medium and low one by one and the value obtained will be recorded.
The wire whose value is higher will be starting and the other will be running. And the two wires of the capacitor will be connected to running and starting but the neutral wire will be connected to running.
How to find High, Medium and Low:
For high, medium and loco find one probe of the meter will be connected to running and the other probe will be connected to high, medium and low one by one. Among high, medium and low, the wire with the lowest value will be the high speed wire and the one with the highest value will be the low speed and the one with the middle value will be the medium speed.
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