Mostly Faults Comes in Indoor Unit | Fully4world
Mostly Faults Comes in Indoor Unit We face some faults mostly in Indoor unit. we can easily solve this faults. Ice on Evaporator : if we...
Mostly Faults Comes in Indoor Unit We face some faults mostly in Indoor unit. we can easily solve this faults. Ice on Evaporator : if we...
AC Compressor wiring burn and installed new wires Sometimes our AC’s every thing ON but do not Cooling Outdoor fan running but Outdoor compressor not running...
Indoor air throw low Reasons and Solve Problems If our AC’s indoor air throw is low Then the ice comes on the suction pipe. Indoor air...
E4, E5, E6 Error Code in non Inverter AC Solve Some Non Inverter AC don’t show error Code but some show error in LED. When we...
Acson AC Error Codes : The code indication changes as shown below, and notifies with a long beep. Error Description E1 Outdoor Pcb Error E3 High...