Mostly Faults Comes in Indoor Unit
We face some faults mostly in Indoor unit. we can easily solve this faults.
Ice on Evaporator :
if we see Ice on Evaporator then we should service AC . If AC is already serviced then check his blower motor speed if his speed is low then we show fast his speed and check his blower that his blower is washed perfectly or not.
Water drop in room :
If we see that the water drop in the room so we should check his Drains that his drains is blocked or not. Indoor units have Two drains one is on his front with which is piped and Second drain on his Back side.
Electrical (PCB) fault :
Sometimes Voltage is low and high when Voltage low and high then we face faults in his PCB Kit.
- We should Check his Fuse mostly this fuse burns out.
- We should check his PCB Relay Sometimes his Relay Burns out.
- We should check his Transformer Sometimes his Transformer burns out.
Watch Video For indoor Faults :
You should read it :
- Blower Fan Speed low and Ice on Evaporator
- Air Conditioner water drop in the room (Tips&Tricks)
- AC drain Block Water fall in the room
- PCB main Faults Check Point and solve
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