Here’s how to become an early bird



Someone out for a morning jog in the country.  Unsplash
Someone out for a morning jog in the country. Unsplash

When it comes to sleeping habits, people generally fall into two groups we’re all familiar with: early birds and night owls. multiple factors such as Our ageGenes and even rank determine which group we fall into.

While being a night owl isn’t necessarily a bad thing, research has proven time and time again that early birds have more health benefits than those who are all-nighters. These benefits are both mental and physical.

Here are some of the benefits of getting up early in the morning:

1. Improve eating habits

While breakfast is known to be the most important meal of the day, night owls tend to skip it because they get up late. On the other hand, early birds have the opportunity to eat breakfast at the right time.

Night owls usually eat late breakfast or eat lunch directly when they are late for breakfast. Research has shown that a healthy breakfast can replenish the body’s glucose stores and also reduce brain fog, making people more productive and energetic during the day. It even reduces the risk of diabetes.

2. Better physical health

Early birds have more time in the morning to catch up on their exercise routine. Since they don’t have to suffer with last minute plans and get to places late, they are more at peace and can give their bodies much needed time. While you can exercise at night as well, it’s better to do it early to get the body ready for work ahead than to use a tired body in the gym.

A study found that night owls perform less physical activity compared to those who got up early in the morning. In addition, regular exercise relieves symptoms of depression and stimulates the metabolism for the next day.

3. Better mental health

With healthy eating habits and improved physical health, improved mental health is inevitable. With regular exercise, for example, stress levels decrease. On the other hand, research shows that evening is associated with negative moods and fatigue.

Sun exposure has long been associated with the release of “happy hormones” and the healthy production of vitamin D in the body, a deficiency of which can cause serious depression, among other things.

Tips for switching

Although there is no magic pill that can make people switch suddenly, there are some practical tips that can help people change their routine. It is important to note that these changes do not happen overnight. However, with discipline and consistency, you can join a healthier group.

While genes play a role, we still control our sleep routine. These are the following ways you can go from being a night owl to an early bird to get maximum health benefits:

Sleep hygiene

One of the most important sleep habits is good sleep. Taking a shower not only cleanses your body and makes you feel better about yourself, but it also cools down your body temperature, which helps with sleep. Also, make sure to clean your bed, pillow, and surrounding public areas. A dirty, overburdened chair, for example, can subconsciously make you anxious and steal some sleep.


Lighting can make a huge difference when it comes to your sleep routine. At night, make sure you’re out of the light, and yes that includes your smart devices, at least two hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, instead of using blackout curtains, leave them open. In this way, natural light can reach you in the morning, helping you to wake up naturally.

Bedtime change

Changing your bedtime should be one of the hardest tasks you will ever do. Taking years to go to bed at a certain time wires up our minds and makes it difficult for us to choose any other time.

Therefore, start small. Go back 15 to 20 minutes from your original bedtime. If you go to bed at 11:30 PM, try to go to bed at 11:00 PM tonight.

Get away from the phone

Bringing a phone or other technical device to bed is deadly. It’s so hard to resist the urge to scroll through social media when we can’t sleep. The blue light from our screens can suppress the production of the sleep hormone called melatonin. So, make sure you are miles away from all kinds of screens.


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