How to open easy rust screws & Bolts


Open rust able screws & Bolts

Sometimes rust gets on our nut or Screw, and it doesn’t open easily, screw driver and key are happening slipped. we can open it with some ways.

  • By heating it
  • By using WD40
  • By grip plier

By Heating :

we can heat it by gas welding plant but be care full that no any wire burn with his heat.

By WD40 :

WD40 is a chemical spray bottle we can spry it on any rust able screw or nut and after 3 to 5 minuets we can try open screw or nut.

By Grip Plier :

we can open any rust able screw and nut with Grip Plier. Locking pliers are pliers that can be locked into position, using an over-center toggle action. One side of the handle includes a bolt that is used to adjust the spacing of the jaws, the other side of the handle often includes a lever to push the two sides of the handles apart to unlock the pliers.

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